Labor Relations

Union Logos

American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

Communications Workers of America (CWA)

International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE)

Grievance / Disciplinary Forms

 Union Representatives


  • Bob Wallace, President
  • Christy Engelhardt, Vice President


  • Emari DiGiorgio, President
  • Tara Luke, Executive Vice President
  • Maria Spade, VP of Professional Staff


  • Todd Doughty, Interim President
  • Brian Kay, Vice President 

 Employee Campus Hearing Board

The Employee Campus Hearing Board (ECHB) consists of twenty-six (26) employees and is established to provide a pool from which a smaller Executive Hearing Panel is chosen to adjudicate employees accused of violating the Campus Code of Conduct. 

Additional Resources

Salary Schedules

AFT Salary Schedule

CWA Salary Schedule 

IFPTE Salary Charts - Coming Soon!

Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC)

The  (PERC or Commission) is a State administrative agency. It is charged with administering the New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act. The agency deals with certain labor relations issues involving public employers, public employees, and unions that represent public employees. Such issues include representation matters, the scope of negotiations, unfair practices, mediation, fact-finding and arbitration.

Need Assistance?

  • View the full list of HR staff including notes on who can help you with what  
  • Or, call us at 609-652-4384
  • Or stop by our suite in J-115

We look forward to getting you what you need, answering your questions, and/or connecting you with the HR team member that can best help you.