Course Resources

HomeCourse Design & Teaching / Course Resources

The following resources are available to support effective and flexible course development. Consider factors important in determining what course delivery method is best for teaching.

Please make an appointment with a CTLD staff for further assistance with any of the resources provided or to discuss your individual course needs.  If you need technical assistance, contact the ITS Help Desk.

  • Create measurable Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) using . (HTML)

  • Stockton's ELOs - sumarizes the knowledge and skills students obtain by graduation. (PDF)

CTLD Sample Syllabus

These sample syllabi include Stockton specific content based on best practices in syllabus design. Stockton faculty and teaching staff may download and customize the syllabi. Syllabus 1 is a text-based syllabus. Syllabus 2 includes visual elements (images). Kindly review instructions. The syllabi are easily modified to fit course needs.

Kindly provide feedback based on your experience using the syllabi by completing a brief survey: 

Bloom's Taxonomy

Create measurable Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) using . (HTML)

Campus Support, Policies and Procedures

This webpage contains policies, procedures, and campus support information from the CTLD sample syllabus.  This page replaces providing policy and support information as printed text in the syllabus to allow information to be updated and remain current for student use.  Faculty using any version of the CTLD sample syllabus prior to Summer 2023, are encouraged to replace the printed policy and support text in the syllabus with this URL: and/or provide students with access to this link in your Blackboard courses.

Expectations for Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Add one of the three statements in your syllabus about the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) that fits your course plans and modify appropriately to meet your course needs

Syllabus 1

Syllabus 1

For Classroom/Hybrid or Online delivery (Word)
Instructions (PDF)

Syllabus 2

Syllabus 2

For Classroom/Hybrid or Online delivery (Word)
Instructions (PDF)


Books and Tablet

CTLD Sample Syllabus

Managing your Classroom Course

CTLD Sample Syllabus

Managing your Hybrid Course


Notebook and Laptop

CTLD Sample Syllabus

Managing your Online Course

  • Creating Writing Assignments (PDF)

  • (HTML)

  •  (Video)
    Blackboard recently upgraded from Box annotation to a system called Annotate. With Annotate, you have access to a variety of tools to provide feedback (or annotate) for student submitted assignments. To learn more, view this 2 minute tutorial.
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  • (Video)

Student taking an exam

Assessment Resources

  •  (Video)

  •  (Video)

  • (Video)


  • (Video)

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