Alumnus Endows Scholarship to Honor Grandmother

carl archut and family

Carl Archut, Jr., left, with his grandmother Jenelle T. Archut and siblings Kyle C. Archut and Bridgette N. Archut at his sister Ashley Madden's wedding in 2018. Below: Carl and his grandmother at his 2016 graduation from Stockton, and a childhood Christmas.

Galloway, N.J.  - From serving as a Student Senator, a brother of Kappa Sigma, and a Resident Assistant to holding a position as a Student Assistant in the Office of the Dean of Students & Financial Aid, Carl Archut Jr. 鈥16 made the most out of his undergraduate experience at 快猫成版视频.

carl and jenelle archut commencementNow serving as the associate director of Development for University Initiatives at the University of Florida, Archut credits his undergraduate experiences for his continued interest and career in higher education.

鈥淲hen I first started at Stockton, I didn鈥檛 know where I wanted to end up in life, but what I did know was that I wanted to help others,鈥 said Archut. 鈥淎nd through my involvement as a student leader I discovered how I could make my goal of helping others a reality by working in higher education.鈥

Although he lives on the opposite end of the East Coast, Archut remains an active and engaged alumnus, frequently volunteering and attending and hosting alumni events. This level of engagement is what earned him Stockton鈥檚 鈥淥utstanding Young Alumni Achievement Award鈥 in 2019.

Behind his ambition and motivation to give back and pay it forward for others, is a special driving force: Jenelle T. Archut, his grandmother, who he lovingly refers to as 鈥淢om-Mom鈥.

鈥淢y Mom-Mom was one of the first to be there for my Dad when my mother left,鈥 said Archut. 鈥淔rom that moment on, she played an incredibly active role in our lives.鈥

Archut recalls how his grandmother went out of her way to attend every milestone event in his life, making it her top priority. 

鈥淔rom recitals, birthdays, holiday parties and award ceremonies to graduations and grandparent day celebrations 鈥 you name it and she was there,鈥 said Archut. 鈥淚n ways too many to count, without even meaning to do so, she became the mother I never had.鈥

Inspired by his grandmother鈥檚 generous spirit and unwavering support, Archut established the Jenelle T. Archut annual scholarship in 2018, and in 2020, pledged a gift for $25,000 to create an endowed scholarship in her honor.

carl archut christmas鈥淚 wanted to create something that would carry on her legacy in perpetuity and pass on the unconditional love and support she consistently shows to others,鈥 said Archut.

The Jenelle T. Archut Endowed Scholarship Fund will benefit first-generation students with proven leadership in any campus club or organization. 

鈥淭o see an active and engaged recent alumnus like Carl give back to his alma mater is truly inspiring,鈥 said Dan Nugent, Chief Development Officer and Executive Director of the University Foundation. 鈥淏ut what stands out even more is how he created this opportunity to ensure other first-generation students have a support system and means to also succeed at Stockton.鈥

Being the first in his family to graduate from college is a source of great pride for Archut, and by creating this opportunity, he wanted to ensure other 鈥渇irst-generation students know they are worth it.鈥

When asked what his hope is for recipients of his scholarship, Archut stressed the importance of hard work and philanthropic service.

鈥淎s the youngest of 13, my Mom-Mom never had a chance to pursue her dream of becoming a missionary overseas,鈥 recalled Archut. 鈥淏ut as a woman of faith, she has given our family the guidance, encouragement and comfort of a wise and seasoned missionary at home; and my hope is that this award will inspire recipients to mature into good citizens who treat people with kindness and respect.鈥

For more information on creating an endowed scholarship at Stockton, go to the Stockton Foundation website.

- Reported by Alexandra Sandberg

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Diane D鈥橝mico
Director of News and Media Relations
Galloway, N.J. 08205