Hammonton's Sesquicentennial

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2016 Calendar of Events

Noyes Museum of Art Hammonton History Exhibitions

Hammonton: 150 Years of Industry
March 7 – August 8, 2016
This exhibition will showcase 150 years of local industry and progress in Hammonton. It will highlight artifacts, documents, and photography including garments, shoes, textiles, glass and more.
For more information, click these educational guides:
Artists’ Impressions
Hammonton: 150 Years of Industry
Vintage Cameras

Hammonton: 150 Years of Agriculture
August 22– December 31, 2016
This exhibition will highlight artifacts, artwork, documents, and photographs related to the topic of agriculture. Artists & Community Members are asked to submit artwork and historical items to be included in this exhibition.
Interested participants are encouraged to submit pictures of their items, along with descriptions, via email to michael.cagno@stockton.edu.
For more information .
Limited space available. Deadline: July 1st.