Student Leadership Opportunities

Alumni Reflect on the Impact of the Stockton Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning


Engagement Leadership Team

Engagement Leadership Team (ELT) members of the Stockton Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning are the leaders of our homegrown community programs. They are undergraduate or graduate students working in direct service with excellent organizational skills, and a desire to serve and explore a specific community and/or issue more intensely. They examine the underlying causes of social issues and work with the Center to try to adapt our programming to address the need. ELT members also collect and, with the support of the Community Projects Coordinator, analyze data about our programs so that we can best direct our efforts. 

ELT members are recruited each semester on the recommendation of a faculty and/or staff member.

The SCCESL will be hiring new Engagement Leadership Team members in August.



Through a partnership with EngageNJ (formerly Campus Compact New Jersey), Stockton University is committed to dramatically increasing opportunities for college students to demonstrate excellence while engaging with issue-driven projects in the local community.  ChangeBuilders, simply, make a measurable difference in their community.  The goal is to develop a culture of young, socially responsible graduates with the skills to succeed in achieving their own work-life goals and in their efforts to be part of change for the better.

There are five goals to the ChangeBuilders Program at Stockton:

1. Develop service-learning and civic engagement project opportunities throughout students' educational experience.  This will support in deepening the knowledge of and commitment to local community issues, including students who intend to transfer from community colleges to 4-year institutions.

2. Increase employability by developing 21st century workplace skills. This will come through high quality service-learning and civic engagement sequences of experiences and through career path mentoring.  These local experiences will also contribute to the civic minded graduates staying in New Jersey upon graduation and supporting the economy.

3. Increase student retention by offering a greater ranger of service-learning and civic engagement experiences and partnerships with both 2-year and 4-year institutions.  Research shows that students who are involved and who have clear pathways to their next educational institution are more likely to finish on time and find employment post graduation.

4. Significantly increase overall college student participation in service-learning and civic engagement.  New Jersey is focused on growing a culture of civically minded professionals, focused on addressing pressing local community issues.  That starts with building critical thinking, problem solving and agency within the generations of future leaders.

5. Ensure that a significant number of nonprofits and community service agencies increase their capacity.  Local nonprofit, government agencies and community movements focus on developing and delivering impactful services and programs for populations struggling at the margins of society.  ChangeBuilders will focus on organizations that support college access and success, educational equality, access to healthy lifestyle options, alcohol and substance abuse reduction, and neighborhood safety.

I'm interested in becoming a ChangeBuilder at Stockton.  What should I do?

Email us to learn how to become a ChangeBuilder


Call 609.652.4256 for more information.

For additional information about the ChangeBuilders program click the link below.