Enabling Grade Center Scrollbars (Mac OSX)

The latest versions of Mac OS, don鈥檛 show browser scroll bars unless you scroll the page.  To change the scroll bar settings, please follow these directions:

1. From the Apple Menu, open your 鈥System Preferences鈥.

From the Apple Menu, open your 鈥淪ystem Preferences鈥.

2. Select the 鈥General鈥 options from within the system preferences.

Select the 鈥淕eneral鈥 options from within the system preferences.


3. In the General Settings, set the 鈥淪how Scroll Bar鈥 option to 鈥Always鈥.

In the General Settings, set the 鈥淪how Scroll Bar鈥 option to 鈥淎lways鈥.